Friday, April 4, 2014

Fire and Ice

🔥💧 Fire and ice
Have you ever felt fire with ice?
It's like experiencing the warmth of a cold breeze.
It's like a freezing point in a dry desert.
It's like a boiling point on a frozen island.
It's like an outburst of tears during summer.
It's like a lack of water on a rainy season.
It's like a fish breathing fire.
It's like a camel hidden in an iceberg.
Fire and ice?
It's like looking at someone you haven't seen.
It's like breaking in while holding your keys.
It's like a feeling of being lost at the same time found.
Fire and ice?
It's like a friend that is also an enemy.
It's like love with the presence of indifference.
Fire and ice?
It exists.
Without the other, it cannot die nor live.
That feeling.
That feeling when you compare what you have to others have.
That feeling when you compare your own feelings to what others feel.
That feeling when you compare the person you're with to the person you used to be with.
That feeling when you compare the things you see around you to the things you used to see.
That feeling when you compare.
Is the worst feeling.
Nothing will ever be the same.
Accept that feelings change and that feelings contradict.
And that the only thing you need to do is to accept.
So you won't feel a thing.